November 2, 2011
School Site Council Agenda:
November 2nd, 2011
(ASB Room @ 4 pm)
I. Welcome & Introductions
II. Approval of last meeting minutes
III. Nominate/Approve Vice-Chairperson
IV. Survey
V. Overall responsibilities of School Site Council
VI. 2010-2011 Testing Data/ Overview
VII. Calendar
VIII. Parent/Staff questions or concerns
IX. Adjournment
Santana High School
School Site Council
November 2, 2011
Present: Guillermo Munoz, Sean Smith, Shereen Elcherif, Cathy Blackler, Parents: Rhiannon Greene, Maria Espinoza, Jay Lopez – students in attendance: Amanda Pope, Siouxsie Lussow, Harley Rodriguez
- Meeting called to order at 4:15 Introductions
- Minutes approved
- Move to elect Vice Chairperson – Sean Smith unanimously elected
- Vote to have ELA/DELAC & SSC as one meeting m/s
- Discussed SPSA (School Plan for Student Achievement) and alignment to
district curriculum - Guillermo Munoz shared responsibilities of SSC, such as reviewing budget
items, how categorical funds are allocated (must be spent on certain
things) - Parents in attendance shared positive experiences at Santana & feel
there needs to be a “re-branding” to dispel prior perceptions-Mr. Munoz shared
that dialogue has begun, most recently w/visit to our campus by NHS and RHS
Counselors and VPs - Dates of future meetings adjusted to account for school vacations &
holidays - Meeting adjourned at 5:00