School Site Council Information » March 11, 2014

March 11, 2014

School Site Council Meeting Minutes

March 11, 2014



l. Meeting called to order at 7:24 a.m.

Quorum not met.


ll. Minutes read and approved at 7:26 a.m.


lll. Open Forum

Ms. Guzman noticed many inconsistencies in the Staff Handbook.  Mr. Johnson requested she bring them to him for investigation.


lV. Reports

Mr. Johnson stated the SPSA was approved by the board and over the next few months Santana staff will need to talk about process – how the SPSA will evolve next.


V. Unfinished Business

Regarding the recycling program, Athens was contacted and we have a bin.  Mr. Johnson stated the idea to recycle is a good one, but ASB needs to work through channels (submit a projected revenue sheet) to begin this as a fundraiser.  Mrs. Blackler asked if Athens or Santana gets the money from the recycle bin, and Mr. Johnson said Santana gets 100% of the money.  Mrs. Blackler asked if KMET on Nogales was contacted, and Mr. Johnson said no.  Mrs. Guzman asked if another club on campus could pick up the fundraiser if ASB did not want it, and Mr. Johnson said yes. 


There was no new news regarding the camera update for Yearbook.


Vl. Announcements

CAHSEE test is March 18 and 19.   The test will be given in the MP to free up teachers.  26 ELA and 31 math students will take the test this time.


DELAC meeting is March 13


Roberto Velazquez represented RUSD in the ACSA Region XV Oratory Contest.  He did not take, but still had many parents and administrators speak with him after saying he changed their perspective regarding continuation high schools.


Vll. Meeting adjourned at 7:41 a.m.