School Site Council Information » December 10, 2013

December 10, 2013

Santana High School
School Site Council Meeting
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
7:15 a.m.
Room 23

Agenda Items Person Responsible
1.0 Opening/Roll Call SSC Chairperson

2.0 Minutes SSC Secretary

3.0 Open Forum SSC Chairperson

Items must pertain to SSC. 2 minute time limit according to
SSC bylaws

4.0 Budget Principal
• ¥ Federal State Dollars
• ¥ Title I
• ¥ Title III
• ¥ Categorical Funds

5.0 Unfinished Business
¥ Football at Lunch

6.0 Coffee/Morning BreakClub Elcherif
7.0 Reports Principal
• ¥ SPSA mission/vision
• ¥ Home language survey importance

8.0 Announcements SSC Chairperson
• ¥ Next CAHSEE February 4th and 5th
• ¥ Next Checkpoint Jan. 17
• ¥ Solar Boat Schlarmann
¥ Agriculture Fair register by Feb. Schlarmann

9.0 Adjounment


School Site Council Meeting

Santana High School

December 10, 2013

l. Meeting called to order at 7:45 a.m.

·     Quorum met

·     Minutes approved at 7:46 a.m.

ll. Open Forum

·     How are we doing with the lunch applications?

We are still waiting for a list from Terry.   18 year olds can fill out their own application; they should not have parents filling them out.  Applications are on the Santana website under “Parents”.

lll. Budget

·     Additional money has been added to our site fund from both state and federal gov’t.  The goal is to get us back to where we were three years ago.

·     Mr. Duran:  EIA/LEP money has allowed Mr. Duran to begin working a 4th day.  A proposal is pending for RUSD to fund a 5thday for him.  By April we will have the exact dollar amount known for next year which will allow SSC to vote re: Mr. Duran’s 4th day on May 13.  Next year, Mr. Duran will be at Santana four days and depending on need in the district, may work his 5thday at a middle school. 

lV. Unfinished Business

·     PLT will vote on football/basketball at lunch

V. Coffee/Morning Break Club

·     Meets from 8 – 9:30 a.m. Parents meet and discuss/learn how to support their students.  Speakers come in to give insight.  Teachers are welcome to pop in and say hello.

Vl. Announcements

·     Next CAHSEE is February 4th and 5th.  November results will come out over winter break.

·     Our next Checkpoint is January 17th.

·     Mr. Schlarmann shared on the solar boat competition.  The Metropolitan Water District is sponsoring our solar boat.  Last weekend, students met with engineering students and worked in different specialty groups on how to build a solar boat.  The Walnut Water District is directly sponsoring Santana’s solar boat by giving $2500.00.

·     Target is giving $700.00 for a Devil’s Punch Bowl field trip.

·     The Agricultural Fair will be May 13-17 at the LA County Fairgrounds.  There are competitions in every department which allows our students a variety of options to enter their work.  Group projects can bring money to Santana.

·     43 students attended a field trip to the California Science Center.

Vll. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 a.m.