School Site Council Information » February 11, 2014

February 11, 2014

School Site Council Meeting
Tuesday, February 11
7:15 a.m.
Room 23

Also see agenda and minutes attachments below (.pdf, .docx file)

Agenda Items Person Responsible

1.0 Opening/Roll Call SSC Chairperson

2.0 Minutes SSC Secretary

3.0 Open Forum SSC Chairperson
Items must pertain to SSC. 2 Minute time
limit according to SSC bylaws

5.0 Reports
- Checkpoint data Principal
- CELDT Data Guzman
- CAHSEE pull-out Lin/Feldman

6.0 Unfinished Business
-Football at lunch
-Update on camera for yearbook
-Lunch Applications List

7.0 Announcements SSC Chairperson
- Next CAHSEE March 18-19
- DELAC meeting February 13

8.0 Ajournment

School Site Council Meeting

Santana High School

February 11, 2014


l.              Meeting called to order at 7:24 a.m.

·         Quorum met

·         Minutes approved at 7:25 a.m.

ll.            Open Forum

·         SDAIE trainer visited Guzman, Mauna, Longino Jan. 30

·         Mr. Johnson explained there was no mistake in the SPSA document, the company, DTS, did not take out the CST references; they will do that now.

·         Alex Juarez brought up the idea to recycle bottles on Santana’s campus; he would like it to be school-wide.  Mr. Munoz will check with the Athens disposal company.  If there is no avenue through them, Ms. Barrett will then call the City of West Covina re: their recycle program.

lll.      Reports

·         Checkpoint data:  Mr. Johnson stated that teachers looked at their own data and will meet and speak on strategies based on said data.

·         CELDT scores are back and by the week’s end the information should be ready for teachers.

·         CAHSEE Pull Out Program:  3ELA and 3 math teachers worked with 50 students.  Students said they felt supported.  There may not be as many students/teachers for March with seniors and sophomores testing this time.  There was discussion on giving credit to CAHSEE pull out students.  Administration is working on the troubles that occurred with teacher’s pay for working the extra hour.

lV.           Unfinished Business

·         Football/basketball at lunch.  We have basketballs/soccer balls. Mr. Duran volunteered to supervise that area at lunch.

·         Lunch applications list:  All students that haven’t submitted have been contacted.  18 year olds have been asked to fill out the application.  The idea was to let teachers know the list but DO’s answer was “no” as this is exclusively an enrollment practice. 

·         The number of students who have applied has increased dramatically from last year.

V.            Announcements

·         CAHSEE is March 18-19

·         February 28 begin the CAHSEE

·         DELAC meeting February 13.  Parents were encouraged to come. 

Vl.           Open Forum was reopened so Alex Juarez could speak of his idea regarding recycling.

Vll.          Meeting was adjourned at 7:48 a.m.