School Site Council Information » December 7, 2011

December 7, 2011


Present: Guillermo Munoz, Sean Smith, Shereen Elcherif, Cathy Blackler,
Rodrigo Blanquel, Parents: Rhiannon Greene, Maria Espinoza, Jay Lopez,
Rick Barnes, Maria Espinoza, Kimberly Escobedo, Daniela Rodriguez, Sergio –
students in attendance: Amanda Pope, Siouxsie Lussow, Brianna Dominguez,

  •  Meeting called to order at 4:15 Introductions
  •  Minutes approved Parent Compact Discussed
  •  Budget, Specifically federal and state dollars discussed-breakdown including Title I, Title III, GATE and Categorical Funds
  •  Coffee Breaks-opportunity for parents to interact, spend time on campus, etc discussed as ways to generate more opportunities for parent involvement
  •  SPSA discussed again to ensure that our mission and vision matches our practice
  •  Discussed the Mentor Program. Teachers Blackler, Elcherif and Smith commented on how program works and is progressing
  •  S. Smith unanimously elected as DLAC Representative. Will attend first meeting in January 2012
  •  Discussed importance of Home Language Survey; how testing affects student placement and the need as staff and parents to stress the importance of test to students
  •  Meeting adjourned at 5:00